Friday, January 5, 2024

Three Mini-Haibun By Joshua St. Claire

Another Mandela Effect

enjoying a rewatch of What’s Eating John Malkovich

Sinneslöschen dog-toothed violet



we all thought Fiona Apple’s 1998 version would be it

mother telling me it’s a magic spell temple bell


Copyright Expiration

As a poet, I am hypersensitive to issues of intellectual property, but I must admit that there is something delectably decadent about getting my sticky mitts on something in the public domain.

Steamboat Willie
spread out against the sky
like a patient etherized upon a table+

+T. S. Eliot “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”


Joshua St. Claire is an accountant from a small town in Pennsylvania who works as a financial director for a large non-profit. His poetry has been published or is forthcoming in Lana Turner, Sugar House Review, Burningword Literary Journal, Allium, and Ligeia Magazine, among others. His work has appeared in the Dwarf Stars Anthology and he is the winner of the Gerald Brady Memorial Senryu Award and the Trailblazer Award.