Tuesday, April 9, 2024

a good dramatic goodbye by J.J. Campbell

she once told you that you were beautiful

a weird angel walking on earth meant
to be great

you remember the night she walked out
into the highway and got runover by
a semi

she always loved a good dramatic goodbye

all the weird friends got corporate jobs

and the nerds discovered drugs and ended
up learning just how uncomfortable park
benches are

the cats all speak spanish and are secretly
plotting your demise

it is the time of year for revenge

colder than cold with each passing day

her love is a mystery that you could
never unravel

that uneasiness you feel is the indigestion
of love

embrace it

break a few toilets

scream from the mountaintop and show
them what weird really fucking is


J.J. Campbell (1976 - ?) is old enough to know where the bodies are buried. He's been widely published over the years, most recently at Synchronized Chaos, Horror Sleaze Trash, The Asylum Floor, The Beatnik Cowboy and Misfit Magazine. You can find him most days on his mildly entertaining blog, evil delights. (https://evildelights.blogspot.com)