Friday, April 26, 2024

Like a Broken Drum by Bobbi Sinha-Morey

When I don't have the courage
to face every coming dawn
and the only answer lies in
giving up then it means hope
has flown forever away from
your heart and there is no
reason to go on because there
is nothing left to hold onto
and the hours before you lose
themselves in the passage of
time. Just as the day begins
you shy away from its first
light, the sound of your heart
like a broken drum, and for
a minute you forget what it's
like to be caressed by a loose
feather. Only once have I seen
fallen plum blossoms be swirled
up by the wind in one of my
dreams and they had been erased
by an invisible hand at the tip
of an awakening day.


Bobbi Sinha-Morey's poetry has appeared in a wide variety of places. Her books of poetry are available at and her work has been nominated for Best of the Net Anthology in 2015, 2018, and 2020 as well has having been nominated for The Pushcart Prize in 2020.